category: software

  1. a mirror;
  2. a mirror;
  3. a mirror.

project status: inception, work in progress

  1. pending: a BSD3 federated markets browser platform application with cryptocurrencies trading and exchanges — an android app with an i2pd crystal inside, with an open host platform architecture: your i2p hosts would be having a pluggable serverside BSD3 multi-platform i2p protocols api library reference implementations to be used for implementing the i2p server hosts, or alternatively you would be able to use our specifications for json-based http i2p protocol, and more performant protocols in the future;
  2. maybe pending: the same in flutter, when the flutter's C++ DLL exceptions bug will be fixed;
  3. maybe pending: the same in and programming language "any" with content-type "any/any" based on nixos, a Gaudi-like bioorganic future pioneering meta-technology for clouds and software.
  4. pending: mathlang — a mathematically strict programming language for the industry.

welcome and stay tuned!

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